Scholars & Patrons
Luciana Nunes Freire
– Legal Executive Director of the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo – Fiesp, graduated from Universidade Mackenzie, has been working in the corporate area for 20 years. Specialist in Economics and Company Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, with an MBA in Business Law, also from FGV/SP.
– Master's student in Labor Law and International Labor Relations at the Três de Fevereiro University, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
He is currently President of the Support Committee for Legal Departments of the OAB/SP.
– He is a member of the IASP – Instituto dos Advogados de São Paulo and a member of the Deliberative Council of the Bradesco Private Pension Fund. Represents the employers' bench in several Joint Tripartite Commissions of the Ministry of Labor and Employment.
– He is part of the Labor Relations Council of the National Confederation of Industry – CNI. She is a Professor at Insper, at IDP - Institute of Public Law/SP and at LEC - Institute of Legal, Ethics and Compliance.

Chair No. 20
Patronus: Wilson of Souza fields Battle