Scholars & Patrons
Otavio Pinto e Silva
– Lawyer, is Coordinator of the Labor Sector at Siqueira Castro office Lawyers in São Paulo.
Academic education
– Graduated from the Law School of the University of São Paulo – USP, completed
in 1987.
– Specialization in Labor Law from the Law School of the University of São Paulo – USP, concluded in 1989.
– Researcher at Centro di Studi Latinoamericani, next to Tor Vergata - II Università degli Studi di Roma, Italy, in 1991.
– Master’s degree from the Law School of the University of São Paulo – USP, with a concentration in Labor Law, concluded in 1997.
– Doctorate from the Faculty of Law of the University of São Paulo – USP, with an area of concentration in Labor Law, completed in 2002.
– Free Teaching by the Law School of the University of São Paulo – USP, in a public contest held in December 2011.

Chair No. 9
Patronus: Pedro Vidal Neto
- State Councilor of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section - Member of the São Paulo State Bar Association (AASP).
- Member of the Association of Labor Lawyers of São Paulo (AATSP), where he was Counselor.
- Member of the Board of the Brazilian Association of Labor Lawyers (ABRAT).
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Luso-Brazilian Association of Labor Lawyers (JUTRA).
- Member of the Brazilian Institute of Social Law Cesarino Junior.
- Member of the São Paulo State Academy of Labor Law, in the Pedro Vidal Neto chair.
- Treasurer of the Arcadas Foundation.
- Former President of the Association of Friends of the XI de Agosto Legal Department (AADJ).
Academic/Professional Experience
- Associate Professor at the Department of Labor Law and Social Security at the Law School of the University of São Paulo – USP, where he entered through a public competition in 1995.
- President of the Graduation Commission of the Law School of the University of São Paulo – USP and representative on the USP Graduation Council.
- Former President of the Culture and Extension Commission of the University of São Paulo Law School – USP and former representative of the USP Culture and Extension Council.
- Former professor of the law course at Universidade São Judas Tadeu, in São Paulo.
- Member of several Examining Committees of Public Contests for the Labor Judiciary of the 2nd and 15th Region, as a representative of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section.
- Member of several examining boards of monographs for undergraduate, specialization, master's and doctoral studies at the Law School of the University of São Paulo – USP and at other Universities.
- Chairman of the Bar Examination Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section - Representative of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section, in the Regional Management Council of the PJe, within the scope of the TRT of the 2nd Region.
Awards and Distinctions
- Análise Advocacia Award, named among the most admired in Law in the “Labour” category
- Member of the Order of Labor Judiciary Merit of the TRT of the 2nd Region, in the degree of Commander, since 2017
- Author of the book: Collective Contracting as a Source of Labor Law – Ed. LTr, São Paulo, 1998
- Author of the book: Subordination, Autonomy and Para-subordination in Labor Relations – Ed. LTr, São Paulo, 2004
- Author of the book: Processo Eletrônico Trabalhista – Ed. LTr, São Paulo, 2013 - Author of book chapters and several legal articles published in specialized magazines.